Pregnancy Tests
We offer free and confidential pregnancy testing to any woman who thinks she may be facing a pregnancy. Our pregnancy testing is lab quality with the utmost privacy. Once the test results are in, we spend time with our client discussing options.”
We offer limited obstetrical ultrasounds to discover three things about the client’s pregnancy.
- Fetus viability
- Location of the pregnancy
- Age of the fetus
After an ultrasound, our client advocate meets with the client to do a Pregnancy Consultation.
Option Advising and Limited Ultrasound
After an ultrasound, it is time for our client to start considering all of her options. Our nurse and client advocates are here to answer all of her or her loved one’s questions about parenting, adoption, and abortion. We focus on the accuracy of the information and will share without judgement. If parenting is her choice, we explain how we will support her throughout her pregnancy and help her prepare for childbirth and parenting. If adoption is her choice, we will work with her to find the right agency to help her through the process.
STI Testing
Pregnancy Resource Connection (PRC) offers free limited services to men and women concerned about selected sexually transmitted infections (STI). PRC does not provide general medical care or emergency services. If our clients are experiencing acute pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, a fever, or any other life-threatening illness, we recommend they go to an emergency room immediately or call 911.
Material Assistance
Our clinic is happy to help supply material assistance to clients in need. Our handouts include but are not limited to:
- Maternity clothing
- Diapers
- Formula & feeding supplies
- Baby Clothes (used and new)
Community Assistance Referrals
We work with other local organizations within the community for additional parental resources our clients may need. These are a few of the organizations:
- The Mountain Family Center Food Bank
- Hope's Promise Adoption Agency
- Grief Share
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Advocates- domestic violence
- Grand County Rural Health Services
- Colorado Legal Services
- Middle Park Medical
Childbirth and Prenatal Classes
Childbirth and Prenatal Preparation Class helps calm worries, answer questions, and prepare parents for labor, birth, and early parenthood.
The class is held up to four times each year. Each class meets four times for a total of 12 hours of instruction. It is the only childbirth class offered in Grand County.
Breastfeeding Support
The Nurse Manager at PRC, Joanne DeLorm RN, is a Lactation Consultant who is available to help with our clients’ breastfeeding concerns. Sending them Breastfeeding Bright Course lessons, seeing them in the office with their babies, and talking with them on the phone, are just a few of the ways she is able to help. Joanne is there to help women meet their breastfeeding goals through increased knowledge and experience.
In addition, during the free Childbirth Classes PRC offers, we discuss breastfeeding. It is also a chance to meet other Grand County Moms who will be breastfeeding which becomes a great future resource.
Facebook site: Grand County Moms
Sexuality Education
Human Sexuality Education is an instructional program that provides discussion opportunities among presenters and students in local high school health classes.
The first portion of the class focuses on good decision making skills and healthy relationships. Students are introduced to how and why they make the decisions they do, as well as the consequences of those choices.
The next level of the course includes more in-depth discussions about unhealthy lines in relationships, and how these lead to poor sexual choices. Topics discussed are emotional instability, broken relationships, sexually transmitted infections, and teen pregnancy.
Classes are provided in several ways to meet the client's specific needs: live, by zoom, by books, and by prerecorded instructions.
Love & Logic® Parenting Class
Love & Logic® Parenting class provides simple solutions and practical techniques to help train children of all ages. Topics include how to raise responsible children, have more fun parenting, and how to easily and immediately change the behavior of children.
The class uses the Love and Logic® philosophy of Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. Love & Logic® was founded in 1977 and is endorsed and used by leading educators, parents, and professionals worldwide.
Classes are provided in several ways to meet the client's specific needs: live, by zoom, by books, and by prerecorded instructions.
Reproductive Loss Support
There is no right or wrong way to feel after a woman loses a baby through a miscarriage, still birth, infant death, adoption or abortion. Every woman’s experience is unique as is that of her loved ones. Relief, anger, sadness, confusion, and hope can all exist at one time. This may be overwhelming, but it’s also normal.
If a woman or man is looking for emotional support after their loss, no matter how long after, PRC will help them through a variety of means, one-on-one or group sessions. Giving a voice to your abortion experience can change how you view the decision that you made and give you courage to live in your freedom. We are here for you day or night.
Fatherhood Program
Our fatherhood program helps dads look at their experience with their own father, learn the skills needed to be a great dad, and better understand the important role a dad plays in the life of his children. Additionally, we will discuss aspects of the mother-father relationship as it relates to parenting. Services are free and confidential.
Classes are provided in several ways to meet the client's specific needs: live, by zoom, by books, and by prerecorded instructions.